Tuesday, 6 April 2010

White Genocide in South Africa continues - Kill the boer, kill the farmer shouted outside school"

Pretoria, South Africa - The genocide against white Afrikaans speaking people in South Africa is continuing. Over the past few days a number of people were brutally murdered, some even had nothing stolen as black armed gangs target white people in South Africa.

First of all the ANC wants to change the name of Pretoria to Tswane, Pretoria is one of the last renaming Afrikaans cities in the world and that is too much for the ANC to handle. The name Pretoria they say must change to Tswane.

Then there is the case where people from the "young communist league" shouted "kill the boer, kill the farmer" outside Free State Voortrekker Afrikaans High School. This blatant racism continues in South Africa under the guise of "transformation".

The biggest hate speech is coming directly from the ANC, namely Julius Malema the ANC youth league leader that almost daily rants out against the minority white people of South Africa.

According to AllAfrica Julius Malema also recently blabbered the following:

"They do not participate in anything that is of national importance, they do not observe national days, they do not support national initiatives,"

"... they do not care about the development of this country, they are forever obsessed with whether they are going to be attacked or robbed."

So he thinks all white people care about is if they are going to be attacked or robbed, mostly elderly people are tortured to death with hot irons, people are strangled with their own telephone cords and there is a total onslaught against Afrikaans culture and the Afrikaans people of South Africa.

Maybe Julius Malema should starting thinking why white people while being disarmed with new gun laws are afraid of being attacked. That is probably because they are under threat constantly as South Africa slides into the next Zimbabwe.

We ask again Is there a silent Genocide in South Africa?

It appears so

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